Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Argumentative Synthesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Argumentative Synthesis - Essay Example When a lay person is confronted with a certain situation, the first step is not to respond to the situation. Common sense will require that a person has to take immediate action and perform the required action. However, a lay person must first weigh different options with regards to the situation. For example, common sense demands that a person should help someone who has been slumped on the doorway (Ross & Nisbett, 628). However, this might not be the case as one has to consider various factors including the conditions that led to the situation. In some incidences, the individuals may also consider different factors surrounding the situation before making any decision. The response of the individuals does not mean that they personality can be deiced based on a particular individual. Common sense is therefore not a predictable guide for human behavior as the nature of the situation determines the actions that should be taken. Faced with a certain situation, the individuals have ended up making certain decisions that are correct although it does not reflect the concepts of common sense. The interventions of the bystanders depend on what they perceive to be important to them, at the time as compared to what common sense dictates. In an incidence where a man has been slumped in a door and seminary students going to deliver a sermon in the next ten minutes pass by, it is more likely that the seminary students may not provide any help. If they are required to deliver a sermon within ten minutes, they not likely to intervene. However, if they are to deliver a sermon in the next one hour they are likely to intervene. This is a further indication that the human behavior cannot be dictated by common sense in all the situations. More people would decline to offer any help if a man slumped in the door was drunk at the time although common sense requires individuals to offer help to anyone in distress (Ross & Nisbet t,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Computer Operating System Essay Example for Free

Computer Operating System Essay The Windows series of operating systems produced by the Microsoft Corporation primarily make use of two file systems: the File Allocation Table (FAT) and the New Technology File System (NTFS). Additionally, some versions of Windows NT also support the use of the High Performance File System (HPFS), a result of Microsoft’s joint developer involvement with IBM to produce the OS/2 operating system. (Duncan, 1989; Custer, 1994) Initially released with DOS, FAT makes use of a table which indexes information on which sections of the storage medium are free, unusable or taken up by files. Disk space is partitioned into distinct units known as sectors or clusters. There is no real organization to the directory structure of FAT, and as such free disk space can become distributed across many different sectors, resulting in file space being allocated in discontiguous sectors. As such, data is highly fragmented and increases seek times. (Microsoft, 2007; Duncan 1989) HPFS was first introduced with OS/2. It improved over the core functionality of the FAT system by introducing additional room for metadata attributes. Allocation units were changed from clusters to physical sectors of 512 bytes each, optimizing the disk space used for each file. HPFS directory entries also hold more attribute data: they possess single sector FNODEs that serve as the control structure for each directory. Fragmentation is drastically reduced by allocating as much of a file in contiguous sectors. However, the HPFS is dependent on a Super Block which contains the control structures of the root directory – essentially the root FNODE. The Super Block is thus vulnerable to corruption or loss from a bad sector which can compromise an entire partition’s useability. (Microsoft, 2007; Duncan, 1989) NTFS was designed to meet the growing demand for network servers and file sharing capabilities and it borrowed many of its concepts from the HPFS. (Kozierok, 2001) It is a journaling file system which permits greater recoverability by reverting files back to a useable state in the event of power failures and system crashes that occur during file transactions. Additionally, it also makes use of an expanded meta-data system which allows administrators to set a wider variety of access and use controls to files. The NTFS also optimizes data by storing small files into the Master File Table of the NTFS itself. The larger system format limit provides means that allocation units are much more refined as well. (Microsoft, 2004; 2007) Memory management on Windows has an access limit of up to 4GB of physical memory, and as such, the allocation of memory to processes is limited by this cap. By using paging to transfer pages of data between main memory and an auxiliary storage device such as a hard drive, it can overcome some of the limitations of physical RAM and enable system processes to have their own 4GB logical address space. Additionally, Windows accords memory protection to process in such a manner as to prevent access to one another, which is crucial to ensure that processes can operate simultaneously without compromising their functionality. (Garg, 2008) Microsoft Windows is essentially an operating system that is built with multi-tasking in mind, which in effect, allows multiple programs to be executed simultaneously. Each application is composed of one or more processes, each of which provides the resources needed to execute a program. Processes are composed of threads, a discrete unit by which processor time is allocated and a single thread, called the primary thread initiates the process. Each thread may execute any portion of code in the process, including those already being executed by another thread. Virtual address space and system resources are shared by threads of a single process, though exception handlers, scheduling priority and other components that determine a thread’s importance and role within the context of a process. (Microsoft Developer Network, 2008) Windows possesses many of the essential features crucial to basic security such as authentication and access control, encryption schemes and protection profiles. However, the API for cryptography is easily compromised by the fact that it easily trusts multiple keys in certifying authority of access. As such, only one code key is necessary to render a system vulnerable. Such a compromise is possible either through accidental disclosure of the private key or when the certifying authority mistakenly issues a certificate. On the level of network security protocol, Windows makes use of IPSec, a cryptographic IP-level protection system which is an open standard in the industry, which functions not only through data encryption and verification of hosts but by detecting modifications made to data during network transit. (Quardt, 2004) Windows security is at its most problematic with regards to applications and non-operating system products. Part of the problem is that for the purposes of consumer convenience, Microsoft Windows continues to be reliant on legacy applications that contain security threats that were of trivial matter during their initial release. Furthermore, the signature architecture of Microsoft programs is to mix application code and data, such as ActiveX for example, can allow untrusted data from outside the system to activate code. (Quardt, 2004) Also, Windows approves digitally signed code even if it is supplied from outside of the system, which means that a system administrator must implicitly trust whoever has signed the code to have subjected it to appropriate code review. In essence, the problem with Windows security is that trust and certification is so decentralized as to deny systems administrators total control and authority over the trustworthiness of code.   REFERENCES Microsoft Corporation. (2007, May 7) Overview of FAT, HPFS and NTFS File Systems. Retrieved August 9, 2008 from: http://support. microsoft. com/kb/100108 Microsoft Corporation (2004, May 5) Local File Systems for Windows. Retrieved August 9, 2008: http://download. microsoft. com/download/5/b/5/5b5bec17-ea71-4653-9539-204a672f11cf/LocFileSys. doc Duncan, R. (1989, September) Design goals and implementation of the new High Performance File System. Microsoft Systems Journal, 4, 5, 1-13. Custer, H. (1994) Inside the Windows NT File System. Washington: Microsoft Press. Kozierok, C. M. (2001, April 17). Overview and History of NTFS. PCGuide. Garg, P. â€Å"Windows Memory Management. † Intellectual Heaven. Retrieved August 10, 2008 from: http://www. intellectualheaven. com/Articles/WinMM. pdf Microsoft Developer Network (2008, August 7). â€Å"About Processes and Threads. † Retrieved August 10, 2008 from: http://msdn. microsoft. com/en-us/library/ms681917(VS. 85,printer). aspx Hart, J. M. (2004) Windows System Programming, 3rd Edition. Boston: Addison-Wesley Professional. Quandt, S. (2004, May 25) â€Å"Linux and Windows security compared. † Linux. com Retrieved August 11, 2008 from: http://www. linux. com/articles/36273? page=2

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Underwater electromagnetic communications

Underwater electromagnetic communications Underwater communication using an em-wave:- Underwater electromagnetic communications have been investigated since the very early days of radio communication and again received considerable attention during the those days only the extremely low frequency (ELF) submarine communications system is believed to be the only successfully devolved subsea electromagnetic application. Its implementation was only one way communication to call individual at surface of higher bandwidth using terrestrial radio. Under water networking is a rather unexplored area although underwater communications have been experimented since 2nd world war. In 1945 an underwater telephone was developed in the United States to communicate with submarines. And also underwater sensors and nodes must possess self configuration capabilities like should b able to coordinate their operation by exchanging configuration, location and movement information, and relay monitored data to an onshore station. Water conductivity:- Water in its pure form is an insulator, but as found in its natural state, it contains dissolved salts and other matter which makes it a partial conductor, as so in case of the sea water its becomes more conductive medium than normal water. The higher its conductivity, the greater the attenuation of radio signals which pass through it. As the attenuation of the signal increases the signal strength decreases and its leads to difficulties in propagation of the signal. Conductivity of the water varies both with the salinity and temperature. Average conductivity of the sea is normally considered to be about 4 mhos per meter. What this means that one meter cube of sea water has a conductivity of 4 mhos or a resistance of 0.25 ohm, (its reciprocal). Attenuation:- Attenuation of radio waves in water (any conducting medium) increases both with increase in conductivity and increase in frequency. It can be calculated from the following formula: Attenuation (ÃŽ ±) in db/meter = 0.0173√ (fÏÆ') Where f = frequency in hertz And ÏÆ' = conductivity in mhos/metre From the figure below states Attenuation as a function of frequency for conductive saline water verses normal water .attenuation in saline or conductive water is very high. It is necessary to use very low frequencies (10 kHz -200 MHz) where attenuation would be very low as in order of 3.5 to 10db per metre. Underwater attenuation (VS) frequency Losses at the surface due to refraction or interfaces:- As the em waves had pass through the two different medium like water and air they undergo refraction when the wave travels from the air medium to the water medium and this are also important so they can be calculated as by the formula Refraction loss (db) = 20 log {(7.4586/106) x √ (f/ÏÆ')} As this losses plays a vital role in the performance of the system to avoid such looses we can connect an antenna to the terrestrial system hanging it into the water and could reduce the loose and in sea water this looses would be high and in the vicinity 60db for lower frequency. As compared in the sea and normal water the loss decrease with increase in frequency in the figure below we would illustrate the graph between the sea and normal related with the frequency. Air to water looses are very less in the normal water it would as lees as 27db and when in sea water it would be normally between 60 to 70 db. Wavelength in water:- The wavelength of the wave signal transmitted wouldnt be same in the water as would be in the air it would a fraction of the original expected signal as shown below Wavelength (ÃŽ ») in meters = 1000 √ {10 / (fÏÆ')} And hence taking all this effects on the wave due to the underwater communication. The communication through the underwater had been developing many process and methods to develop to communication underwater. either using the sound signal or the light signal as they the sound and light are used as means of communication in various fields and hence the method that is used with the sound signal is the acoustic communication and that used after the light is the optical communication they have got their own advantages and disadvantages due to several factors influencing them directly or indirectly. As to over the defects of each the other came into existence and the acoustic and the optical methods of communication would be referred later in our discussion and the latest and upcoming means of underwater communication is the electromagnetic wave propagation underwater. As electromagnetic propagation through water is very different from propagation through air because of waves high permittivity and electrical conductivity like plane wave attenuation is high compared to air and increases rapidly with frequency Through water, full bandwidth, low range, analogue voice communication was found to be impractical and so rapidly it developed an opinion as electromagnetic signals had no application in the underwater environment Re-evolution of em capabilities:- As both the acoustic and optical wireless subsea systems have the disadvantages and so the electromagnetic wave subsea system comes into existence. As the electromagnetic signaling transmission using different mechanism. Many of the investigation had proved that electromagnetic signaling coupled with digital technology and signal compression techniques would provide many advantages which can be suitable for underwater application. As the electromagnetic waves would be more attenuated in water than that of the air. Conductivity of the sea water would be 4s/m were in fresh water its mille-s/m range comparatively less than the sea water. Losses in the water are mainly due to the effect of conduction on the conductive field component. The below parameters shows the variation frequency parameters in fresh and sea water in conductivity. Water relative permeability = Â µ = 1 Water relative permittivity = ÃŽ µ = 80 Sea water conductivity (typ) = ÏÆ' = 4 s/m Fresh water conductivity (typ) = ÏÆ' = 0.01 s/m

Friday, October 25, 2019

To His Coy Mistress: Beneath The Romance Essay -- essays research pape

Few would argue that on the surface level of Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress" the speaker is a lover advancing a conventional 'carpe diem' line of thought. He systematically reasons with his desired object about the futility of delaying their interlude when the hours available to them are limited, but the lyric may simultaneously function as a metaphor for Marvel's endeavors as a metaphysical poet. Metaphysical writers view poetry as an intellectual exercise, an opportunity to develop ideas in a logical, argumentative structure; for them, the object of poetry is not to serve as an outlet for an effusion of emotional sentiments. If one approaches "To a Coy Mistress" as a discussion of the pressures which time places upon a writer, Marvel's apostrophe takes on an ironic twist. He uses his analytical skills to coax his writing to manifest his intended desires, providing a playful look at the connection between a man and his work. Complicating this relationship is the necessity of negotiating under the terms and constraints of an outside third party: time. Marvel battles to balance his time between his public occupation as a member of the British Parliament, the Hull, and his more private pursuits as a writer. The superficially apparent pleas of a lover seeking a relationship serve as a mirror to Marvel's struggle to conquer his artistic prowess.The poem itself contains three distinct components of argumentation, all which occur within a syllogistic framework. The argumentation of each division begins with an acknowledged impossibility, represented by the conditional tenses of "Had we," "But," and "Now, therefore." Marvel comprehends his incapacity to master absolutely the antagonist of time, but in this poem, he achieves a victory through the creation of an interpretation of time unbounded by a linear backdrop. He uses a three tiered progression of argumentation: 1) a reflection of the writing process removed from traditional conceptions of time; 2) discourse on the urgency of creating written material wi thin human time frames; and 3) the presentation of written material as a celebration of life.In the first division, Marvel creates a world ideally conducive to his endeavors as a writer by distorting human measurement of time. In the beginning line, the vast and illimitable capacity of the backdrop blurs the re... games, is advancing a more complex message. One of the hallmarks of metaphysical poets is the practice of metaphysical conceit, which is a figure of speech that employs unconventional and paradoxical images. Marvel engages in the challenging task of relating the struggles of a writer trying to direct his energy and ideas into a concrete format to the attempts of a lover trying to convince another to engage in sexual relations. The syllogistic framework of the poem seems to support the implausibility of such a relationship, but Marvel succeeds with his logical progression in formulating a unique perspective of a writer's plight. By constantly shifting its pace, the poem redefines the conception of time, asking one to consider how an artist must control his medium within time's constraints. The audience feels itself being gently introduced to the endless possibilities of the exploration of ideas just before entering a race against time to understand the frustration, fear and the ultimate explosion of excitement accompanying the writing experience. Marvel succeeds in validating the metaphysical tenets of prose, but only if the audience is clever enough to read beneath the romance.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

English-language films Essay

My favorite theme park is Hershey Park, with excitement your heart start racing as soon you make pass the gates wanting to see what is beyond that point. As I walked inside I saw the most spectacular rides that I have properly never seen. Just as you pass the gates you see corn popping, cutting candy being spun, and lemonade gently squeezed to perfection. Your eyes widen with excitement knowing that you finally made it to Hershey Park. just pass the gate the park covers a large area, In the distance you see rides, water parks, and much other activity just waiting for you to jump right in. excitement you run along to reach one of the ride, that you want to get on because of it Fahrenheit, along with the steepest roller coaster you have never seen before. You wait in line with hundreds of people excited and horrified to ride the steppes roller coaster under the blazing sun. Then the time comes when I moved up the line just a second of me getting in the ride, my heart started pounding as I walk inside the ride fated my seat belt waiting to be sent off. Then we were sent off the steep hill and on with the rest of the ride with twist and turns. When it was over I could feel the adrenalin run down my blood want me to go for another ride on the coaster. Then I moved to the next roller coast the storm runner but time the line way shorter it was not dreadful as the last roller coaster. I had to sit I front of many people waiting for the ride to take off, like bolt of lightning we took off as the countdown gets to zero. There are many roller coasters like the bear hanger, in this roller coaster that actually roars like a bear while its moves it has twist and turns that makes you feel like letting everything out you had for lunch. The is the kissing tower were you could spent time with your loved one, the tower goes up in the sky then turns around in the sky, and then back down. After an exciting day you had in the park it’s time to go home. Hershey was fun because I had to go on all the roller coasters, most all had their tasteful candy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Renewable Energy Essay

Green power, renewable energy, solar power, wind power, electric/hybrids. What is this? What can I do? Many may not know these terms, what they actually consist of, and how we can all do our part and help. What can any ordinary person do in our everyday lives to help care for Mother Earth? Renewable energy sources; solar, wind, and power these small changes can ensure a cleaner, safer and longer sustaining environment for our children’s grandchildren. Can renewables really be the way of the future? Some do agree that yes, it can. Solar power for instance, due to the fact that energy from the sun is clean, free, abundant, and infinitely renewable. It does not emit fumes, not dangerous to produce, and definitely does not need to be extracted at the expense of human, financial and environmental cost from below the surface of the ground. In the article, State Solar Plans Are As Big As All Outdoors states, â€Å"The expectation is that renewables will transform California’s electricity system,† says Terri O’Brien, who helps vet sites for new facilities for the California Energy Commission. The way to have solar power is provided through solar panels they can be placed on rooftops or buildings, on the sides or just on stand in an open area. When looking at Solar Thermal facilities to power cities with energy, like the one owned by Palo Alto based Ausra Inc, this is where the unsightly comes into play, rows of gigantic mirrors covering an area as big as 2 football fields. This poses a question of, â€Å"How can these solar panels work when the sun doesn’t shine?† No power can be generated and there’s no way to store. â€Å"Climate change is the greatest challenge that mankind has ever faced,† said Peter Darbee, President and Chief executive of PG & E and head of its paren t S.F. PG&E Corp. â€Å"It’s imperative to seek out the most cost effective solutions.† Cost effective possibly but at the price of wasted land. A second renewable source; wind power. A small town in Denmark known as, â€Å"renewable energy island.† It is the first of it is the first of its kind. Showing the world its positive prospects on one end, yet natures devastation on the other. We have all seen those big turbines way up in the hills, as a child I often wondered what they were but I remember thinking how big they were and just watching them spin in the wind. Wind power seems as genuine and legit as solar power, having as many advantages as disadvantages. Both are clean renewable energy sources, again neither are extracted from the earth, raw materials are free but neither solar nor wind power can generate enough electricity the way fossil fuels or nuclear power can. Just as the sun does not always shine for the panels, the wind will not always blow for the turbines. Unless you are from Samso AKA â€Å"renewable energy island† where in fact the wind off the Kattegat blows continuously. The town of Samso is more like a big family. It took the entire island in cooperation to achieve their status. Taking into consideration the pros and cons of wind powered turbines, where the ability to generate power to all the homes outweighed the environmental impact of the killing of birds and bats due to the turbines spinning. Mr Hermansen of Denmark’s, â€Å"renewable energy island,† stated that, â€Å"one reason to live here can be social relations,† he said, â€Å"This renewable energy project could be a new kind of social relation, and we used that.† They show that anyone can have wind power one does not need to be special, well educated, or rich to accomplish renewable energy, one just has to have the drive to make a difference. Lastly, electric vehicles, sounds interesting and fun as it rolls off your tongue. EV’s or not to be; once again it seems to be the question. The notion of EV’s has been brought back to the table, yet again. In 1976, Congress approved funding for â€Å"electric and hybrid† research. That same year Forbes reported that, â€Å"the electric cars rebirth is as sure as the need to end our dependence on imported oil.† EV’s have been around for some time now though personally never gave them a second thought, that is until I read the article The Great Electric Car Experiment by Daniel Yergin. Yergin discusses the need for EV’s to not only reduce pollution and to offset the carbon emissions. EV’s have come a long way since its first debut between 1996 & 1999 to today’s Nissan LEAF (Leading, Enviromentally friendly,  Affordable, Family car) batteries are smaller, cars are more compact, more miles to battery ratio, eye appealing, and co st friendly. Honestly I myself had been thinking of purchasing a Hybrid, rather than a EV due to same concerns many other folks have. Is it really affordable or too good to be true? How many miles can I drive before recharging? Where do I recharge? Will it just die and leave me stranded? All these questions are slowly being answered, but these questions and concerns will way heavy on whether how quickly EV’s will be accepted and learned as â€Å"the way to go.† By 2020 there will be more EV’s/Hybrids on the road. â€Å"An automobile revolution is coming, but it’s traveling in the slow lane.† I found Green Power to have many interesting articles. It was very eye opening. It has made me think about how I and family use energy. Turning out the light upon exiting a room, using energy efficient bulbs, buying energy star appliances – all of which we have done. My perspectives did indeed change a bit since reading more on renewable sources. If I could afford to I would install solar panels on my home yet I do not fully support solar farms or wind turbines, I definitely would not put a turbine near my home. I love nature too much and could not stand to see birds dying by flying into the turbines. Bottom line is we all need to do our part in helping save our earth. If I must sacrifice and by an EV, pay more in taxes, by better appliances and/or update my home. I would do so. I currently try to make little by little changes since every little bit counts for a better tomorrow. I’m happy to say that I’m pulling my own weight. Works Sited Kolbert, Elizabeth. â€Å"The Island In The Wind.† Article in Behrens, Laurence and Rosen, Leonard J. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th Ed., Brief. New York: Longman, 2013. 514-520. Dickerson, Marla . â€Å"State Solar Plans Are as Big as All Outdoors.† Article in Behrens, Laurence and Rosen, Leonard J. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th Ed., Brief. New York: Longman, 2013. 505-508. Yergin, Daniel. â€Å"The Great Electric Car Experiment.† Article in Behrens, Laurence and Rosen, Leonard J. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th Ed., Brief. New York: Longman, 2013. 525-534. View as multi-pages